
Shanghai smart home experience between opening
       After careful planning , between Szabolcs -tech smart home experience in Shanghai , finally completed, opening up ! Looking forward to your visit experience , we have the best products and the best service , so that all people can feel smart home to bring modern decoration infinite charm !
       In between the high-tech smart home experience , we can feel the combination of multiple systems . These include: intelligent lighting systems, intelligent security systems, intelligent video systems, intelligent network control system , 3G smart home control system, intelligent temperature control system, intelligent curtains, intelligent remote control, remote monitoring , intelligent voice control system, intelligent control systems arena .
       We welcome you to experience between the high-tech , high-tech experience to bring perfect experience . Here, we can let the machine for our tour guide describes all systems automatically issue commands to control all of the equipment from the machine tour guide . "She " can simultaneously control up to 256 lights and electrical equipment, so that we fully appreciate the charm of the smart home .
       Here, we can use the Iphone 3G network via electrical control all the lights and scenes ; Here, we can be done through a button the following scenario: Close to 16 lights, open all the way reading lights, turn on the projector screen , open the stage curtains , turn on the projector machine , turn the power amplifier , etc. ; here, we can control the timing of all devices ; here, we have access to the work status of each appliance through WIFI; here , we can do more than feel the massage brings super TV glasses COOL experience ; here ? ? ? ? ? ?
       Szabolcs welcome your arrival , you are welcome to come experience the smart home brings super cool feeling ! !